Monday, October 19, 2009

Can what inspired others work for you?

It’s fascinating to hear other people’s success stories. One of the most interesting parts is learning how successful entrepreneurs got their start and how they overcame challenges and adversity. Did an idea flash in their minds like a lightning bolt? Or was it something that percolated over the years? How did timing play into their launch? Did experience or desperation drive their plan forward?
Most great entrepreneurs were not motivated by a desire for wealth but by a vision that they felt compelled to make real. The very successful entrepreneurs laments that money alone is not the only motivating factor but were rather driven more by a desire to solve a problem that was very clear to them. Though there were obstacles, but there was always a way for the man with vision and goals for he will turn out to be highly motivated to create businesses that he believes would improve people’s life.
The common ground entrepreneurs share was financial success and the gratification of creating something larger than themselves. I believe it goes with the saying that the way you think directly affects your physical actions and therefore determines the outcome of everything you do.
Successful people are not made in heaven, they make themselves because they learn the secret of becoming champion by dreaming big, set goals and believe they are in charge of there own destiny.
Okay, here a few list of the ones I can take and there company:
Jeff Bezos, founder of .
Rachel Ashwell, founder of Shabby chic .
Julie Clark, founder of The Baby Einstein Company and The Safe Side .
Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group Limited
Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company .
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Inc .
Teri Gault, founder of The Grocery Game .
King C. Gillette, founder of Gillette .
Maxine Clark, founder of Build-A-Bear Shop .
Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop .
Oprah Winfrey, founder of Harpo.Inc .
Jerry Yang, founder of Yahoo! .
Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Google .

This is just to name a few.
All this and many other successful entrepreneurs knew they could get to the top by discovering what they have passion for, set goals, read articles and professional books and also seeking help from the internet by searching for rightful information through search engines like google. Some join professional association related to their field to increase their visibility.
What inspires you? Is it a great idea, a lack of fulfilment in your current job? I believe that there is a champion in everybody. I also encourage you to look to those who have beaten a path before you. These people, for very different reasons, all ended up in the same place: at the top of multi-million-dollar companies where they call the shots, make the money and have the flexibility in their lives to create their dream.
I know I must have awaken some thoughts deep inside you. Thoughts of how this and many more successful entrepreneurs got that way and how you too can! It’s possible you know, because all achievement is the triumph of persistence. With the help of techniques utilized by successful individuals, you too can achieve your goals with confidence . With this you can always expect the best.

Now you must be convinced enough that what actually worked for others can work for you too. There is no doubt about that!
Anyways, professional guidance can be very helpful in developing your ideas and sharpening your skills.

Comments are allowed please!